Glucose, also known as blood sugar, is an important fuel for your body, absorbed from your blood. But why is your blood sugar so important? And what happens if your body does not absorb glucose from your blood properly? And how do you know if your blood sugar is too high, too low or normal?  

Here you can read all about your blood sugar and find out why it is important to keep a close eye on your blood sugar level and how you can do this with a Glucose OnCall Extra.  

Why does your body need glucose?  

Your body needs energy to get through the day. Your body gets that energy from glucose, a form of sugar that is taken from food. All foods with carbohydrates, such as pasta or potatoes, are converted by your body into glucose.  

This conversion takes place in your stomach and intestines. The glucose is then sent via the blood to all your cells. The cells then convert glucose into energy, thanks to the hormone ‘insulin’. All your organs and muscles need glucose to function properly.  

But beware, because too much or too little glucose in your body is not good! It is therefore important that your body keeps the right balance in terms of quantity of glucose. This balance is also called your blood sugar level.   

Your blood sugar level rises after you have eaten a meal with carbohydrates. Insulin then makes sure that your cells absorb the glucose (blood sugar). This brings your blood sugar levels back into balance and allows your body to make sure you feel energetic and fit.  

What is diabetes?  

Diabetes means that your body cannot get the glucose out of your blood properly. As a result, your blood sugar level becomes too high and you may faint or, in the worst case, even fall into a coma. The cause is that your body does not produce the hormone insulin or does not react well to insulin.  

How do I know if I have diabetes?  

There are several types of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common. In more than 70% of cases it is caused by poor diet and too much sugar. You can do something about this.  

If you have type 2 diabetes, you may suffer from:  

It often takes a long time before you realise you have diabetes. Not everyone has equally clear symptoms.  

Type 1 diabetes is usually discovered more quickly. You can’t reverse it with food. You then often drink a lot, lose weight for no reason, have blurred vision, are nauseous and often feel so ill in a short space of time that you go and see your GP.  

If you recognise yourself with one or more of the symptoms above, it is worth visiting your doctor or measuring your blood sugar yourself with a blood sugar meter.  

Measuring your glucose yourself with a blood glucose meter  

If you decide to measure your glucose with a blood glucose meter, it is a good idea to measure at several times during the day. This ensures that you get a consistent picture of your sugar level. We recommend the Swiss Point of Care On Call Extra Glucose Meter. Why? You can read more about it below.  

How do I measure my own blood sugar?  

Measuring your glucose yourself is very easy. You need a blood glucose meter, lancets, a lancing pen and glucose test strips. The test strip is placed in the meter first. Then place the pricker against the side of your finger and press it until you hear a click. You can hold the drop of blood that now appears against the test strip. The meter will now determine your glucose value.   

Want to see what to do step by step? We have a special blood glucose meter instruction page for this, with a video and step-by-step guide.  

 When is my sugar level too high, too low or normal?  

Sober blood glucose measurement  

When you have measured, the blood glucose meter will show a number. This is indicated in mmol/l. This indicates the level of glucose in your blood. If the number is below 6.1 and you have fasted (nothing eaten 8 hours before), you do not have diabetes and your sugar level is normal. If the number is above 6.9, there is a good chance that you have diabetes and the value is too high. Everything in between means you are in a preliminary stage of diabetes.    

Not measuring your blood sugar sober  

Now it can also happen that you measure glucose two hours after you have eaten something. You are not sober then and the concentration of glucose in your blood is at its highest. Do not be alarmed to see a higher sugar level. If your meter reads a number below 7.8, you do not have diabetes and your sugar level is normal. If you get a number back that is above 11. Then there is a big chance that you have diabetes. Your sugar level is too high. Everything in between is difficult to assess.  

Can my blood sugar be too low?  

A blood sugar value that is too high is not good, but it can also happen that your blood sugar value is too low. A blood sugar level below 4.0 is too low. You will notice this soon enough, because you may experience trembling, sweating, palpitations, headaches or dizziness. Make sure you quickly eat something sweet.  

Can you see that your blood sugar level is too high? Then it is wise to make an appointment with the doctor. The doctor can perform an examination to determine with certainty whether you suffer from diabetes.   

Which blood glucose meter should I use?  

If you are going to measure your glucose with a blood glucose meter, it is wise to make sure that the blood glucose meter is TUV and ISO certified. This ensures that the meter gives reliable results and has minimal deviation.  

The Swiss Point of Care On Call Extra Glucose Meter is both ISO and TUV certified. With this meter you can measure your glucose very easily and quickly. The meter needs very little blood and gives an accurate result within four seconds.   

The large print makes it easy to read the value. The device stores up to 300 measurements so that you can keep track of your blood sugar level for a certain period of time.   

With the supplied travel case you can also easily take the glucose meter with you to work or on holiday. Do you appear to have a high blood sugar level? Then go and see your GP.