Good for Heart

Good for HEART Polyphine® is a unique blend of French grape extract with Resveratrol and OPCs enriched with CoQ10, Vitamin C and B1.

✅ Keeps the heart and blood vessels clean3, supple, and elastic1
✅ Good for the HEART2
✅ Supports maintaining a strong arterial wall1
✅ Important for a good condition of the blood vessels1
✅ 5 mg t-resveratrol and 60mg CoQ10

KOAG/KAG Registration Code: 4403-1117-1664

Tell me more

Good for HEART Polyphine® is a unique blend of French grape extract with Resveratrol and OPCs enriched with CoQ10, Vitamin C and B.  

Our improved Good for HEART has been developed by our Swiss research team to deliver scientifically proven results.  

  • High dosage Resveratrol and OPCs, good for the heart2 and for maintaining a strong arterial wall1 
  • High in antioxidants1 and polyphenols. Polyphenols such as resveratrol, flavonols, OPCs  are found in the grapeseed and grapeskin.  
  • Polyphine® is a unique and high quality blend of French grape extract with Resveratrol and OPCs enriched with CoQ10, Vitamin C and B1. 
  • With natural Vitamin C and Vitamin B1 that keeps blood vessels clean, supple and elastic3 and thus has a positive influence on the cardiovascular system1 
  • Many scientific studies support the beneficial effect on heart and arteries.. 
  • One capsule supplies around 5.000 ORAC-units ( =Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) 

Why should I use

Resveratrol, OPC, CoQ10: Polyphine helps with:

✅ Keeps the heart and blood vessels clean3, supple, and elastic1
✅ Good for the HEART2
✅ Supports maintaining a strong arterial wall1
✅ Important for a good condition of the blood vessels1
✅ 5 mg t-resveratrol and 60mg CoQ10
✅ Delivers scientifically proven results.
✅ Developed by our Swiss research team.

1 Vitamin C (Acerola Extract 25%)
2 Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
3 Grape extract (Vitis Vinifera)

What's inside

Ingredients and recommended use
Each Resveratrol, OPC, CoQ10: Polyphine capsule (486 mg) contains:

High-quality essential and protective ingredients: Polyphine® is a unique and high quality blend of French grape extract high in OPC and resveratrol enriched with natural Vitamin C, Vitamin B and Coenzyme Q10.

Why these ingredients?
The best way to support cardiovascular health is by improving the condition of our blood vessels.

Polyphine® unique proprietary high quality unique blend of natural and powerful antioxidants for more energy and vitality. Over 20+ years of studies and research around the world have established the beneficial effect of Polyphine® on cardiovascular health.

How to use

Recommended use:
Take 2 capsules per day, preferably with your first meal. People with cardiovascular problems, as well as (ex) smokers best double the dosage. Keep the recommended dosage.

One daily dosage of Polyphine® (2 capsules) provides you:
500 mg – Grape extract (Vitis Vinifera)3

– > 95% Polyphenols
– 26% OPC (Oligomere Proanthocyanide)
– 3% Anthocyanins

5 mg – t-Resveratrol from fermentation
25 mg – Vitamin C (Acerola extract)1 (31% RI)
60 mg – Coenzym Q10
0,44 mg – Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)2 (40% RI)

*Reference Intake

What you should know

Contains no allergens.
Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
KOAG/KAG Registration Code: 4403-1117-1664

Go-Keto Supplement Choices

If you want to do keto or just want to give your body what it needs, Go-Keto has the supplements to support you. Everybody benefits from our Electrolytes 20+, with essential vitamins and minerals. To boost your cardiovascular health take our Polyphine Heart and Krill Omega-3. Did you know that Go-Keto Krill has the highest EPA and DHA and Choline?
Try also our BCM-95 Curcumin with Milk Thistle to support your immunity and liver. And if your joints are not as supple as you’d like, then the Good for Joints supplement is what you need.