We are now 10 months on and I have lost 40 kilograms! I feel fit, bright and energetic. What I like about keto is that it is not a starvation diet. I eat what I like and until I am satisfied. Also the fact that your social life doesn’t have to suffer is a big plus for me.
I currently weigh 17 kilos less (and counting). Before, I was often tired, groggy and didn’t feel like doing things. I notice that I have much more energy and feel like doing things again. Without feeling insecure. I also notice that I sleep much better.
Every day I had cramps in my stomach. When I started keto my symptoms disappeared like snow in the sun. My skin improved, my hair became shiny again and the sleep I had was of better quality! In addition, I lost an awful lot of weight (28kg) which boosted my self-confidence!